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帶薪實習的秘密 CO-OP // University of the Pacific

榮登QS全美前百大大學76名的University of the Pacific,身為強勢工程學校,有其獨特的課程設置!

已在UOP實行超過50年的CO-OP,是以下科系大學部課程的其中一部分:Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering Management, Mechanical Engineering and the degree programs within Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics and Computer Engineering



Cooperative Education: Pacific's Competitive Advantage

For 50 years, students in the School of Engineering and Computer Science have gained real-world experience through our Cooperative Education program (CO-OP). CO-OP is an experiential internship program for juniors and seniors to gain hands-on experience with an organization while earning academic units towards their degree. Students practice and grow their engineering and computer science skills while enhancing the soft skills needed to thrive in their future careers. 

Pacific is the only west coast university where a CO-OP is required and built into the curriculum for engineering majors

Students earn an average of $3,700/month during their CO-OPs

CO-OP is usually a semester and a summer term or the equivalent of 6-7 months of work experience

Average number of employers who partner with Pacific during the academic year

*Data from NACE's Job Outlook 2017 Survey
"Delicato has given me a phenomenal experience during my eight-month stay here; everyone in the business is welcoming and team-oriented. Delicato allowed me to grow exponentially in my career and taught me how to be an effective engineer in the field for any project; I will utilize these techniques in the future.

— Christian Nishi '20, Mechanical Engineering


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