Resource From St.George's University

St. George’s University School of Medicine provides a diverse, multicultural and international environment that empowers students to learn the medical knowledge, clinical skills and professional behaviors to participate in healthcare delivery to people across the world.
四年制醫學課程 Four-Year MD Program
開始日期NEXT START DATE:August 2022
SGU的醫學院, a Caribbean medical school,,提供醫學 (MD) 學位課程,並提供成為執業醫師所需的實用和批判性思維技能。
SGU’s School of Medicine, a Caribbean medical school, offers a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree program that provides both practical and critical thinking skills needed to succeed as a practicing physician.
四年制醫學課程包括 157 週的課程,通常在四年內完成。醫學課程分為兩個階段:基礎科學和臨床培訓。
The four-year MD program consists of a 157-week curriculum that is typically completed within four calendar years. The MD program is broken down into two phases: Basic Sciences and Clinical Training.
86 credits + two years clinical 86 學分 + 兩年臨床
Years 1 & 2 (Basic Sciences): Grenada True Blue Campus or Northumbria Campus
1 年級和 2 年級:格林納達 True Blue 校區或 Northumbria 校區
Years 3 & 4 (Clinical Training): US, UK, Canada or Grenada Hospitals or Clinics
3 年級和 4 年級:美國、英國、加拿大或格林納達醫院或診所
五年制MD Pathway (4 MD + 1 年臨床前)
Five-Year MD Pathway 4 MD + 1 Year Preclinical
開始日期NEXT START DATE:August 2022
英國開始日期UK’S NEXT START DATE:September 2022
For Students with Advanced Level or International Baccalaureate credentials.
The five-year medical degree pathway at St. George’s University, a Caribbean medical school, is designed specifically for students with Advanced Level or International Baccalaureate credentials who have a desire to become a doctor.
Students build on an existing academic background in science with entry-level medical degree coursework in anatomy, physiology, and other foundational sciences. The beginning medical degree coursework will set five-year students up for success in the basic science courses and clinical sciences phases of the MD degree program in SGU’s medical school.
1 year of preclinical coursework in Grenada, UK or India
1 year of basic science coursework in Grenada or UK
1 year of basic science coursework in Grenada
2 years of clinical training in affiliated hospitals in the US or UK
六年制MD Pathway (4 MD + 2 年臨床前)
Six-Year MD Pathway 4 MD + 2 Years Preclinical
開始日期NEXT START DATE:August 2022
適用於具有 AS Level 和South African or Australian Matric Examination Qualifications的學生。SGU 為期六年的醫學臨床前Pathway,提供了在MD課程後期掌握該計劃的基礎和臨床科學階段所必需的基礎科學。
For Students with AS Levels, and the South African or Australian Matric Examination Qualifications. The six-year Doctor of Medicine preclinical pathway at SGU provides foundation sciences necessary for mastering the basic and clinical sciences phases of the program later in the MD curriculum.
雙理學士/醫學學位選項 Dual BSc/MD Degree Option
By entering SGU’s six-year preclinical pathway, you may be eligible to earn a Bachelor of Science on your way to completing your Doctor of Medicine.
2 years of preclinical coursework in Grenada, UK or India
First year of basic science coursework in Grenada or UK
Second year of basic science coursework in Grenada
2 years of preclinical coursework in Grenada, UK or India (second year of 6-year pathway only)
在格林納達、英國或印度完成2年的臨床前課程 (僅限6年Pathway的第二年)
七年制 MD Pathway (4 MD + 3 年臨床前)
Seven-Year MD Pathway 4 MD + 3 Years Preclinical
開始日期NEXT START DATE:August 2022
For students who have secondary school credentials. The seven–year Doctor of Medicine pathway is designed for students who have secondary school credentials who need to study a complete course in the foundation sciences before beginning the medical degree program. Focus on preclinical sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
雙 BS/醫學學位選項 Dual BSc/MD Degree Option
By entering SGU’s seven-year preclinical pathway, you may be eligible to earn a Bachelor of Science on your way to completing your Doctor of Medicine.
3 years of preclinical coursework in Grenada 在格林納達完成3年臨床前課程
2 years of basic science coursework in Grenada 在格林納達完成2年基礎科學課程
2 years of clinical training in affiliated hospitals in the US or UK 2年的美國或英國附屬醫院臨床培訓
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