Resource From: St.George's University

位置 Location:
Grenada, West Indies 位於加勒比海的西印度群島格林納達, 邁阿密東南方,一所私立醫學院和國際大學,搭飛機約3.5小時的距離。
格林納達曾經是英國殖民地, 現在是許多北美有錢人的避寒勝地。人口約11萬, 官方語言為英文。
國家地區 Country section: USA 國家地區:美國
學校簡介 Profile:
Founded in 1976 with the goal of drawing the best talent and practices from around the world, St. George’s University has become a leading center for academic excellence worldwide. They truly are an international institution, perfectly poised to help educate students in this rapidly changing world. SGU has contributed over 19,000 physicians to the global physician workforce, with students, graduates, and faculty from over 150 countries. As of April 2022, no other medical school in the world provides more new doctors to the US healthcare system.
聖喬治大學成立於 1976 年,吸引世界各地最優秀的人才和實踐,現已成為卓越的全球領先學術中心。他們是一所國際機構,十足地準備好在這個瞬息萬變的世界中幫助教育學生。SGU 為全球醫生隊伍提供了 19,000 多名醫生,其中包括來自 150 多個國家的學生、畢業生和教職員工。截至 2022 年 4 月,沒有其他醫學院像他們一樣為美國醫療系統提供更多的新醫生。
St. George’s University School of Medicine has a four-year Doctor of Medicine degree program or offers five-, six-, and seven-year Medical Degree Pathways with entry points available for students from any education system around the world. SGU has a unique opportunity for students to begin their medical career in Grenada, the United Kingdom, or India.
聖喬治大學醫學院設有四年制醫學學位課程和提供五年、六年和七年醫學學位銜接課程,為來自世界各地任何教育系統的學生提供入學管道。SGU 為學生提供了獨一無二的機會,可以在格瑞那達、英國或印度開始他們的醫療事業。
SGU has a large network of 75+ affiliated hospitals and health centers in the US and UK, and therefore all eligible students complete their clinical rotations in those two countries. As of April 2022, SGU is the #1 provider of doctors into first-year US residencies for the last eight years. Over 960 US residencies in 2022.
SGU 在美國和英國擁有超過 75 家附屬醫院和保健中心的龐大網絡人脈,因此所有符合條件的學生都在這兩個國家完成臨床輪換。截至 2022 年 4 月,在過去八年中,SGU 是美國第一年住院醫師的排名第一的提供者。2022 年有超過 960 名美國居民。
國際學生入學語言要求 Entry Requirements:
If English is not the principal language, the applicant must have achieved a minimum score of 600 (paper-based), 250 (computer-based), or 100 (internet-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or a 7.0 overall score on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

醫學院入學申請資格 Application Requirements:* 國際學生免MCAT
The School of Medicine begins first-term classes in mid-August, mid-January and mid-April.
醫學院於 8 月中旬、1 月中旬和 4 月中旬開始第一學期的課程。
學士學位 Degree. A bachelor’s degree with a strong science background is necessary.
英語語言 English language: ( If you obtained your undergraduate degree in any English-speaking country, there may be an exception. In this instance, you must request a waiver in order to be determined by the FSSC). 如果您在任何英語國家獲得本科學位,可能會有例外。在這種情況下,您必須申請豁免才能由 FSSC 確定。
雅思— 每項7.0 IELTS- 7.0 on each band
托福— TOEFL- 600 (paper-based )紙考、250 (computer-based機考 或 100 (internet-based) 網路考。 The University’s TOEFL code is 2864. 大學的托福代碼是2864
Password-Skills –Scoring is the same as IELTS scoring for direct entry 分數與雅思分數相同可直接進入
C1 Advanced - A score of 186 overall is required for direct entry 直接進入需要 186 的總分
PTE Academic – A score of 85 overall is required for direct entry 直接入學要求總分 85
UCAT. (optional) 選擇性繳交 – SGU recommends that the international students sit the UCAT ( to provide the Faculty Student Selection Committee additional quantitative information on your academic and science foundation to allow them to properly assess your file. SGU 建議國際學生參加 UCAT (,以便向學院學生遴選委員會提供有關您的學術和科學基礎的額外信息,以便正確評估您的文件。
學院及課程 Academics:
醫學院 School Of Medicine
4-Year MD Program
5-Year MD Pathway
6-Year MD Pathway
7-Year MD Pathway
獸醫學院 School Of Veterinary Medicine
4-Year DVM Program
5-Year DVM Program
6-Year DVM Program
7-Year DVM Program
Global Veterinary Health Track
藝術與科學學院 School Of Arts And Sciences
International Business
Information Technology
研究生院 School Of Graduate Studies
MBA Health
MBA International Business
Master of Education
Master of Public Health
Pre-Application Form 預先申請表:

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