TSE - True Spanish Experience
不僅是西語課程,Cuenca校區 和 A Coruña校區因其環境特色,提供了完美的機會讓學生能透過沉浸式教學方法學習。
西班牙語+志工服務課程提供結合西語和位於Cuenca及A Coruña地區志工服務的學習計畫。對於有意願參與志工服務的學生,giving (時間、資源等) 和receiving (滿足、經驗、人際關係等),此計畫無疑是最棒的選擇。
To carry out this voluntary work, we work actively with the Red Cross, Economic Kitchen and other associations, with whom they will be able to immerse themselves in the following fields: domestic violence, poverty, environment, social intervention, youth, employment, …
Students will get to know first-hand the work of the center where they volunteer and will be able to participate in humanitarian efforts as well as many other programs that are being carried out in the city while practicing their Spanish.