TSE - True Spanish Experience
不僅是西語課程,Cuenca校區 和 A Coruña校區因其環境特色,
此課程適合希望能在沉浸式環境中熟悉西班牙語學習的教師,如使用不同的教學技巧、了解不同的資源並創造自己的資源。 Intended for teachers who wish to get familiar with Spanish learning in an immersion context, as in working with different educational techniques, and getting to know different resources and creating their own.
顧及教學與學習層面的方法。 Consider methodological aspects related to teaching and learning proposals.
提高西語能力,尤其是口語流利程度。 Improve Spanish linguistic competence, especially, oral fluency.
增加對西班牙語國家文化的了解。 Broaden knowledge of the Hispanic culture
開發自己的教材,並根據需求進行調整。 Develop your own creative materials that are dynamic and adjustable to the educational needs that will be used at posteriori with your students.
在導師的幫助下,於沉浸式教學環境中參與課堂教學。 Observe and participate, with the help of a tutor, in real classes, in an immersed teaching context.
沉浸其中,並熟悉周邊文化。 Immerse yourself in a center and get familiar with the surrounding cultures.
與其他國家的教師分享教學經驗。 Share a teaching experience with teachers from other countries.
課程長度: 2週
課程時數: 課堂時間每週20小時 + 西班牙語體驗每週12小時
西語等級: B2 (根據MCERL標準)
年齡限制: 18歲以上