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Beloit College 伯洛伊特學院:創校於西元1846年


Resource From Beloit College



學校類別School Type:私立文理學院 Private Liberal Arts College

校區Location:美國威斯康星州伯洛伊特 Beloit, Wisconsin, U.S.


授予學位Degree offered:學士 Bachelor's

科系領域Subject:心理學 Psychology、英文 English、化學 Chemistry、商業經濟學 Economics and Business、人類學 Anthropology…

學校網頁 School Website:


  伯洛伊特學院是威斯康辛州伯洛伊特的一所私立文理學院。成立於 1846 年,是該州最古老的連續經營的學院。它是中西部聯合學院的成員,招收大約 1,400 名本科生。

  Beloit College is a private liberal arts college in Beloit, Wisconsin. Founded in 1846, it is the state's oldest continuously operated college. It is a member of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest and has an enrollment of roughly 1,400 undergraduate students.

  伯洛伊特學院的課程保留了 1960 年代伯洛伊特計劃的許多方面,強調體驗式學習、學習者代理以及課堂外和課堂學習體驗之間的反思性聯繫,或“實踐中的文科”。學術優勢包括人類學和地質學等面向領域的學科。獲得人類學博士學位的伯洛伊特畢業生比任何其他不隸屬於大學的本科文理學院的畢業生都多,該校在畢業生獲得博士學位的美國文理學院中排名前 20 位。

  Beloit College's curriculum retains many aspects of the Beloit Plan from the 1960s, emphasizing experiential learning, learner agency, and reflective connection-making between out-of-classroom and in-classroom learning experiences, or "the liberal arts in practice." Academic strengths include field-oriented disciplines such as anthropology and geology. More Beloit graduates have earned Ph.D.s in anthropology than graduates of any other undergraduate liberal arts college not affiliated with a university, and the school ranks among the top 20 American liberal arts colleges whose graduates go on to earn a Ph.D.

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