Globally competitive research.
Endless learning opportunities.
Supportive environment.

About University of Idaho
Founded as a land-grant research university in 1889, the University of Idaho is a leader in student-centered learning and excels at interdisciplinary research. Ul is dedicated to diversity, citizenship and global outreach.
UI設有10個學院,學科健全。 提供93門大學主修和62門研究所主修。
Ul offers 93 undergraduate majors and 62 graduate majors, leading to countless career paths. Together with your talent and desire to succeed, our rigorous academic approach will challenge and prepare you for success in the global marketplace.
Integrated Research and Innovation Center (IRIC)
The brand-new IRIC is a world-class center for interdisciplinary research and discovery at the heart of Ul's Moscow campus. IRIC is a customizable space that gives UI researchers the ability to address key questions, take innovative approaches and generate new knowledge to benefit the state, region and world.
Accomplished UI alumni include: .
• Tom Mueller '85, VP of SpaceX
• Taylor Williams '14, Acct. Manager Twitter
• Kristen Armstrong '95, three-time Olympic gold medalist
• Paul Taylor '10, NFL Films, HBO, Emmy Awards .
Moscow, Idaho
愛達荷州北邊為加拿大,南邊與內華達州和猶他州為界,西邊為俄勒岡州和華盛頓州。 北部挾長地區有許多翠綠的山坡及清澈乾淨的湖泊。而在中部有許多山峰,提供世界級的滑雪場。愛達荷州南部,蛇河流經之處有著廣闊的景色及朝氣蓬勃的城市。
A natural environment like no other

When you live and learn in Moscow, you are within driving distance of world-class destinations for skiing, snowboarding, whitewater rafting, biking, climbing, camping and more. The University of Idaho is surrounded by hills, forests and mountains; it's an area so beautiful it was featured in National Geographic magazine in 2014.
If you want a taste of the city, Spokane, Washington and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, are just an hour-and-a-half drive from Moscow. Seattle, Washington - home to many Fortune 500 company headquarters, such as Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing and Starbucks- is a five-hour drive or a one-hour flight from Moscow.
