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//SCHOOL// Ellesmere College

Resource from Ellesmere College

The world of work calls for good exam results and, equally importantly, it calls for qualities of character and personality. At Ellesmere College we develop all of these. Best-possible grades are an essential passport to success and hard work is an essential cultivator of character. Here, as at any school, getting it right in the classroom matters most. We expect all pupils to measure themselves against the best work of which they are capable, and we celebrate the success of every person who tries their hardest - whatever their grades.

Our philosophy is that everyone learns differently and that every learning style is a special gift. We also know that students develop at different rates and at different times. Individual goals are respected and supported. Our pupils look to a wide range of routes into the adult world; we are blessed with young people who have a dazzling array of talents - all will find out what they are good at and we will nurture that. Ellesmere pupils are successful in achieving what they set themselves as we place great importance on developing the person, alongside academic development so they can cope with the realities of the adult world.

  • This is why our enhanced curriculum includes the International Baccalaureate (potentially the equivalent of 6 A levels) alongside conventional A levels.

  • This is why we recently introduced the option of a BTEC Sport route, to sit alongside A-Levels for those who already know the career area they wish to specialise in.

  • This is why our student support, whether in learning, language or our Academic Enrichment Programme, is nationally recognised as excellent. Staffed by specialists, extra support is there for every student whenever they need individual guidance.

Academic life at Ellesmere is seriously challenging and exhilarating. In each year group we seek to engage our pupils in their studies, by providing challenge and support, information and then more questions to explore. Our core aim is to enable pupils to explore ideas, be guided to solutions and to ensure they remain intellectually curious. The academic excellence at Ellesmere provides many out of classroom experiences to enhance learning such as field trips, visits and overseas opportunities.

Lower School (7-13 yrs)

In Lower School, we have the highest expectations of all our pupils. It is our aim to provide pupils with the best possible learning experiences, activities and opportunities to enable each pupil to flourish. The focus is to form independent young people who are confident in their skills and ability to express themselves.

Our academic core is crucial, with inspiring teaching in small and caring teaching groups, each child can develop to the greatest extent possible in purposeful endeavour. Pupils are engaged and challenged as a result. Pupils operate within well disciplined, happy, kind and respectful environments. Exemplary behaviour is expected, manners are reinforced and are central in the close pastoral care of each individual.

A good education is preparation for life; giving opportunities that help a child make sound choices that serve them well into later phases of School and then into the competitive modern world.

Middle School (13-16yrs)

For pupils aged 13 to 16 studying in National Curriculum Years 9-11

Pupils joining Middle School will enjoy a stimulating environment with an even wider range of curricular and extracurricular opportunities. The emphasis on developing personal responsibility and an appropriate self-esteem continues. The pastoral system in the Middle School is based within the Residential House system. On joining Middle School entry at Year 9, all pupils join one of the College's integrated boarding and day Houses, and are under the care of a Housemaster or Housemistress and a team of dedicated tutors.

There are two male Middle School Houses, St Cuthbert's and St Patrick's and one female Middle School House, St Aidan's. The Tutor-Pupil link will normally continue throughout the three years leading to GCSE. The development of good relationships between tutor and pupil and between tutor and parents is given a high priority. This reinforces the belief that reciprocal communication between home and school ensures complete care when guiding pupils through such important developmental years.

As a member of the Middle School each pupils will have an allegiance to a Competitive House. Middle School pupils are encouraged to contribute to the performance of their House in a wide range of activities from academic, sport to music, from drama to debating.

New GCSE Grading!

In summary, GCSE results in 2017 will be in 9-1 for maths, and A*-G for all others, as outlined above. The pass grades of A* - C fall between the numbers 9 - 4. For example, grade C falls between 5 and 4, with a good C at the top end of the C boundary being 5, a middle or lower end mark will be a 4. For fuller information see link below.

"With the support from my teachers, both in and out of the classroom, I have been encouraged to become a more independent learner"

-Emily Palmer

Sixth Form (16-18 Yrs)//School// Ellesmere College

The Sixth Form at Ellesmere is hugely successful and offers full time courses for over 200 students. The College provides teaching and learning of the highest quality. We are proud of the high performance of successive generations of students who have ensured that the College is noted both nationally and internationally for its achievements.

The College takes the preparation of students for Oxbridge entrance very seriously and, indeed, our academic enrichment programme offers extension activities in all subjects. University entrance is hugely successful with over 85% of students gaining their first choice place in a wide spectrum of courses and Universities including Oxford, Cambridge and Russell Group Institutions.

A range of subjects are available at A level or students may choose to pursue their advanced studies through the International Baccalaureate Diploma.

"I was nominated for, and won, the Silver Cross Academic Scholarship, which was created by Mr. Alan Halsall, himself an Old Ellesmerian. I know that without the support and encouragement at Ellesmere I would not have been able to attend the school. This opportunity is fantastic".

-Ben Hall



The Co-curricular programme is a fundamental part of life at Ellesmere College and aims to broaden all students' life experiences through a wide range of activities, clubs, societies, sports, courses, performances and visits.

During their time in the School we would expect that every child will have been given the opportunity to sing, dance, act and compete, while also debating, learning and developing a commitment to service.

Expeditions through either the Combined Cadet Force or the Duke of Edinburgh's Award are designed to increase each student's personal resilience, while lunchtime activities aim to kindle enthusiasm for pursuits beyond the taught curriculum. The cumulative result of these programmes are confident and interesting young people who expect themselves to play a leading role in whichever group, institution or business they join.

Life: Ready

We are excited to introduce to you ‘Life Ready’ – our new message and logo that brings together the ethos of Ellesmere, its five key pillars of strength and how they work together to support the journey of our students through their education in more than one way – to prepare them to be ‘Life Ready’.

What defines a successful school? Is it the academic results that students have achieved when they leave? Is it the sporting cups, House Points or Colours that they accrue? It is indeed all of these but also a lot more besides. What defines and differentiates Ellesmere College is the success of our students at all levels and how we prepare them for life after College – to be truly ‘Life:Ready’. 

Our ethos – that every student is, and should be treated as an individual - runs through everything we do and is the focus of our Five Key Principles that work in synergy and which we base our educational philosophy on in the areas of: 

These principles drive our learning, co-curricular and pastoral programmes to enable each student to flourish, grow and be successful on both their academic and personal platforms as they take their journey through the College, and beyond.  We challenge them at all levels to be the best they can be, successfully developing the individual, supporting their skills development for life and allowing them to learn through the broad range of opportunities we offer. 



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