澳洲雪梨舞團 Sydney Dance Company在台灣的演出,週五 11/2 晚上出席辦事處所舉辦的慶祝酒會,與會包括舞團的靈魂人物 舞團藝術總監Rafael Bonachela、北藝大舞蹈系張曉雄副教務長及來自各界的人士。
It is a great honor to attend the performance of the Sydney Dance Company in South Taiwan. The reception party held by Australian Office on Friday night, including Mr. Rafael Bonachela, artistic director of the Sydney Dance Company, and Mr. Xiao-Xiong Zhang, the Vice-dean of Academic Affairs from Taipei National University of the Arts, who is also well-known with the great experience of dance.
power, this performance mixed the Eastern and Western cultures into a new taste, it tightly captured the audience's breathing. The story of Full Moon contained the stories about the moon in so many different cultures. Although I didn’t understand the plot of each story, I could feel the tension through the dancers.
It was a great experience to know about a different type of art, and it makes me realize that the art is omnipresent.
The real art is no need for words, you can be touched without any decoration.
週六 11/3 晚上來到衛武營觀看這次舞團的光與暗+大明 (Lux Tenebris + Full Moon),看完內心的震撼真的久久無法散去。
大明這齣舞邀請了 雲門2 鄭宗龍先生來編創舞蹈,音樂則是由台灣知名的林強老師所設計,從配樂及肢體動作上不難看出有雲門的味道在,卻在每個看似柔而優雅的姿態間又充滿著爆發力,融合了東西文化的一齣舞蹈,那肢體間都緊緊抓住觀眾的呼吸。
On Saturday night, I came to National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts to watch the Lux Tenebris and the Full Moon,
Full Moon invited Mr. Cheng Tsung-lung , the artistic director of Cloud Gate 2, as the choreographer. Also, the Taiwanese well-known composer Mr. Lim Giong designed the whole soundtrack.From the soundtrack and movements, it was not difficult to see the taste of Cloud Gate, every single movement seem to be soft and elegant, but also full of explosive
第二支舞,光與暗 Lux Tenebris 則是一支要你連呼吸都不敢呼吸、眨眼都不捨眨眼的一齣舞蹈。
The second performance, Lux Tenebris is the one that you even hesitate to blink your eyes. The soundtrack is completely different from Full Moon. There were a lot of rushing rhythms and electric style.
Well… there’s one thing I’m really curious about is that I had found some Spanish styles in some soundtracks. I don’t know whether this is my misconception or this truly is a surprise from the artistic director.
The whole performance was very eye-catching, every single movement is full of stories, and every single dancer did their best even they just stand in the corner of the stage.